Call for Papers

The Second International Workshop on Stochastic Modeling and Applied Research of Technology (SMARTY 2020) will be held in Petrozavodsk, Karelia, one of the beautiful places in the North-West Russia, on August 16-20, 2020.

SMARTY workshop aims to bring together researchers working on the theoretical, algorithmic and methodological aspects of queueing theory, stochastic modeling and game theory, focusing on applications of such methods across a broad spectrum of technical systems with primary interest in high-performance and distributed computing systems.

Key focus:

SMARTY 2020 sets up a working environment to share recent results on

  • Stability and performance issues of stochastic models of high-performance and distributed computing systems, as well as other modern technologies;
  • Game theoretic methods in queueing theory and analysis of high-performance and distributed computing systems.


Proceedings shall be submitted to CEUR-WS for online publication (indexed in SCOPUS), after passing a single-blind review procedure by two or more independent reviewers. Selected papers would be recommended, after appropriate modification, to be submitted to Special Issue of the Mathematical Game Theory and its Applications (Matematicheskaya Teoriya Igr i Ee Prilozheniya) journal (indexed in Web of Science Core Collection as a subset of Automation and Remote Control journal), which will undergo an independent evaluation process according to the regular standards of the journal.

The official language of SMARTY’20 is English. We expect that the accepted papers will be presented at the workshop. Submissions are handled with EasyChair. Details on submission process are updated in the Submission section.


A preliminary schedule of the workshop and the publication process is as follows (all the times are AoE):

  • Registration starts – February 01, 2020
  • Workshop abstracts/papers submission deadline – May 1, 2020
  • Notification of acceptance – June 31, 2020_
  • Camera ready workshop papers – August 25, 2020
  • SMARTY workshop – August 16-20, 2020
  • Special Issue submission deadline – October 15, 2020

Youth School:

August 20th is dedicated to students and young researchers focusing on queueing theory, stochastic modeling and game theory in queueing. We expect several invited lectures and tutorials to inspire young researchers in those fields.


Workshop Secretary: Alexander Rumyantsev, IAMR KRC RAS, Petrozavodsk, Russia

Keynote Speakers

  • Jim Dai

    Jim Dai

    Institute for Data and Decision Analytics (iDDA), The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen

    17.08 9:15 Queueing Network Controls via Deep Reinforcement Learning

    Jim Dai holds a Presidential Chair at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, co-directing the Institute for Data and Decision Analytics (iDDA). He is currently on leave from Cornell University, where he is the Leon C. Welch Professor of Engineering in the School of Operations Research and Information Engineering (ORIE). Dai studies applied probability models for efficient resource allocations in processing networks that model service systems such as customer contact centers, data centers, hospital patient flow management, airline yield management, and ridesharing networks. Dai received his BA and MA in mathematics from Nanjing University and his PhD in mathematics from Stanford. He is an elected fellow of Institute of Mathematical Statistics and an elected fellow of Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS). He received the Erlang Prize in 1998 from the Applied Probability Society (APS) of INFORMS, two Best Publication Awards from APS (1997 and 2017), and the ACM Sigmetrics Achievement Award in 2018. He delivered The Markov Lecture in 2012. Dai was the Editor-In-Chief of Mathematics of Operations Research from 2013 to 2018.

  • Miklós Telek

    Miklós Telek

    Department of Networked Systems and Services, Technical University of Budapest

    18.08 10:00 Concentrated matrix-exponential distributions and their application

    Miklós Telek is a Professor at the Stochastic Modelling Laboratory, Department of Networked Systems and Services, Technical University of Budapest, leading the MTA-BME Information Systems Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. His current research interests include various aspects of stochastic performance modeling and analysis of computer and communication systems. Miklós graduated as an electrical engineer at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Budapest in 1987. He received the candidate of science and the MTA doctor degree from the Hungarian Academy of Science in 1995 and 2004, respectively. He got habilitation degree in technical sciences at the Technical University of Budapest in 2003. He took part in the development of various communication network and computer system planing and/or analysis tools. He spent research visits at universities (Torino, Catania, Erlangen, Berlin, Dortmund, Duke, UNC, Trento) and research institutes (Avaya research, INRIA Rennes, Istituto Gallileo Ferraris).

  • Konstantin Avrachenkov

    Konstantin Avrachenkov

    Sophia Antipolis, INRIA

    19.08 9:30 Distributed optimization of caching devices with geographic constraints

    Abstract: We consider caching in cellular networks in which each base station is equipped with a cache that can store a limited number of files. The popularity of the files is known and the goal is to place files in the caches such that the probability that a user at an arbitrary location in the plane will find the file that she requires in one of the covering caches is maximized. We develop distributed asynchronous algorithms for deciding which contents to store in which cache. Such cooperative algorithms require communication only between caches with overlapping coverage areas and can operate in asynchronous manner The development of the algorithms is principally based on an observation that the problem can be viewed as a potential game. We confirm the efficiency of the algorithm by theoretical analysis as well as by experiments with synthetic and real network topologies. This is a joint work with J. Goseling and B. Serbetci (both from Twente University in the Netherlands).

    Konstantin Avrachenkov is a Director of Research INRIA DR2 level at INRIA Centre de Recherche Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée, leading the MAESTRO team. He studies structural properties and the dynamics of complex network models for various application fields, including telecommunication, social science, bibliometrics, biology, physics. Among his primary research interests are stochastic games, Markovian competitive decision processes, performance evaluation and optimization studies of computer networks, queueing theory, as well as various related fields. Konstantin received his Master's Degree with Honours in Control Theory and Mechanics of St.Petersburg State Polytechnic University, and Ph.D. Degree in Mathematics in University of South Australia, Habilitation Degree (HdR, DSc) in Computer Science in University of Nice Sophia Antipolis. He was awarded Oversea Postgraduate Research Scholarship in 1996-1999, and received various IEEE best paper awards (GLOBECOM 2007, IWCMC 2012, NetSciCom 2014). Konstantin is the Associate Editor of International Journal on Performance Evaluation and ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems. He also holds several patents and standards in the field of telecom networks.


Technical Program Committee

Organizing Committee


Pushkinskaya Str., 11. Petrozavodsk, Karelia Republic
